Dreadnoughts, imo, is the best armor in the game. It offers the highest universal AL with no drawbacks, costs, etcetera. 90 Armor. 90. NINE ZERO. Thats big. Thats like... Elvis big.
I used Dragon/Wyvern for a large part of my Tyrian experience. Only when I had farmed enough to have funds to start buying multiple 15k pieces did I discover the benefit of different sets. But, by all means, Dreadnoughts/Plate is a GREAT set to start with.
Of course, I do also agree with above poster. Glads armor is delightful. But don't forget, you can mix and match.
Personally, I wear FoW Weaponhelm, FoW Knights boots, FoW Dragon Gloves (Or FoW Stoneskin Gauntlets), and switch my Chest/Legs. It works really nicely, seeing as Chest/Legs offer the only reasonable benefits.
If you insist on getting a full suit, I say Dreadnoughts/Plate/Dragon. Otherwise, mix and match. Not only does Mix/match offer more versatility, but you look at least somewhat unique, when you throw on some radical dyes.